Contact Eric Friedman

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How often do you meet with clients?

I meet with clients bi-weekly (every other week) and only work with a handful at a time because things come up.

What are your qualifications as a coach?

I worked directly with founders on a 1:1 basis for 3 years meeting with them weekly to help them; achieve their goals, be better leaders, and unlock their potential in their venture backed businesses. It was my own coach that inspired me to do the same for other clients.

I am currently working towards my first International Coaching Federation program certification.

I have been working with founders and VC firms for the past 10 years, with unique insight on both sides of the table.

What exactly do you do?

I typically work with the founding team on the list of things they haven't done yet but need too, don't know how to do, or have done incorrectly. I focus on deliverables and the needs of the business. Sometimes this is driven by the BOD and its cleaning things up. Sometimes it's driven by an upcoming fundraising event and things need to be in order. Teams recognize they need to be going faster, have operational debt, and need to bring order to chaos. I have a list of things I do, but usually this ends up being bespoke with each founder I work with.